2Wellbeing is supported

Tailored pastoral provision supports Service children‘s mental health and wellbeing.

The extensive research that powers The Thriving Lives Toolkit found that creating a school environment attuned to Service children's complex interplay of experiences is key to positive development and wellbeing. While many Service children develop strong coping mechanisms, it would be easy for Service children’s complex lives to be misunderstood, their safeguarding needs to be missed and their huge talents underdeveloped.

Effective schools ensure that Service children feel understood and are ready with tailored support when it’s needed.

A quick introduction to Wellbeing is supported

Enhance your support - self-directed training module

Enhance your support for Service children in relation to Principle 2: Wellbeing is supported through the following self-directed professional development module. This CPD resource, written by a collaboration of professionals specifically for schools, explores the evidence base, and looks at what schools can do and who can help you ensure Wellbeing is supported.

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