
Powerful films showing life for Service children in Welsh schools

Films and digital stories: A Welsh Local Government Association’s Supporting Service Children in Education Cymru project (SSCE Cymru)

Two powerful films and a bank of digital stories were launched in November 2016 to raise awareness of what life is like for children in Service families.

The high profile launch event was sponsored by Kirsty Williams AM, Cabinet Secretary for Education who was joined by local authority leaders and high ranking members of the Armed Forces in Wales.

Cabinet Secretary for Education Kirsty Williams AM said:

‘Children of Service personnel sometimes move around a lot which can impact on the stability of their education. It is important, therefore, that we provide information and support to make sure their learning is not adversely affected. We hope these online films and digital stories will help schools and local authorities understand the circumstances that Service children sometimes find themselves as well as providing a snap shot into the lives of Service children in Wales today.’

The SSCE Cymru website has a wealth of information and guidance

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