
A research paper: Further and Higher Progression for Service Children

It is in the realm of up to 4 out of 10 children who, if in the general population would go to university, do not go if they are from a military family

McCullouch and Hall, 2016, Further and Higher Progression for Service Children, University of Winchester

This research sought to improve understanding of the factors that help or hinder service children’s educational progression, so that future work is well targeted and achieves better outcomes by:

  • Exploring the views and experiences of service children and undergraduates from service families to identify and evaluate the relative significance of factors impacting (both positively and negatively) on their educational progression and attainment;
  • Reviewing existing research and evidence to build a more detailed picture of the progression of service children into and through further and higher education in order to highlight priorities for action.

Evidence was collected from three main sources:

  • Literature (from, for example, government departments, organisations associated with the armed services and their families, education organisations, other related studies);
  • Secondary data (such as statistical data relating to education achievement and higher education progression, surveys of parental views);
  • Primary data drawn from surveys of primary and secondary school-aged children from service families, and surveys and group interviews with undergraduates from service families.

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