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Naval Childrens Charity

A new partnership between the Naval Children’s Charity and the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance will see the highly regarded Thriving Lives Toolkit expanded across the student life course, from early years through into higher education.

Funding has been secured from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust’s Transformational Grant Programme to complete a project which will develop a Thriving Lives Toolkit suite, covering children aged from 0-25.

The suite will set a new standard for evidence-based support for Service children, transforming the capacity of providers to understand Service children’s complex lives, identify their unique (and greatest) needs and develop and continually enhance targeted support. The toolkit will be robustly tested so that support can be tailored by educational providers to accommodate the diverse range of educational contexts, to ensure all children and young people will benefit.

The project builds on the highly successful Thriving Lives Toolkit for primary and secondary schools which was developed in 2019 with an online version launched in 2022. It is currently supporting hundreds of schools across the UK, with students from all branches of the Armed Forces, to take an evidence-based approach to their support.

Clare Scherer, CEO of the Naval Children’s Charity said:

The Naval Children’s Charity is deeply grateful to the AFCFT for their support of this important work. For children whose parents have made the choice to Serve in the Armed Forces there can be a number of challenges. It is vitally important that we find ways to support them and extending the SCiP Alliances Thriving Lives Toolkit to those all-important early years and into further and higher education will strengthen that support significantly.

Phil Dent, Director of the Service Children’s Progression Alliance said:

We are delighted to be partnering with the Naval Children's Charity to deliver this important project, which will transform the outcomes of Service children through childhood and beyond. The project responds to compounding needs in the Service child population and the sector professionals responsible for supporting their education and progression. The new toolkit suite will increase awareness of the needs of children from Armed Forces families and ensure education providers at all phases of education can tailor their support to maximise the wellbeing and attainment of their children.

Project funded by: Armed Force Covenant Fund Trust

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