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The SCiP Alliance has secured funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (AFCFT) to deliver a pilot project aimed at connecting dispersed young adult Service children, aged 16-19. 

Working with the educational charity, The Brightside Trust, who are experts in delivering online support programmes for young people, the project will pilot the use of a 'near-to-peer' digital platform where young adults from Armed Forces families can meet with their peers, in a moderated and safe environment. The platform will offer a safe community space that is available to all, irrespective of geography.  

The project will particularly target young people living in areas with low populations of Service families and will help to tackle loneliness and isolation which is often experienced by Service children.  Research of Service children in schools shows that 10% of Service children in England are in schools where there are only one or two Service children, and over 3,000 Service children are the only one in their school.

The site, which will be launched in October, will support up to 100 16-19 year old's from across UK.  There will be no cost to participate and support and training will be provided by The Brightside Trust. For further details and to register your interest in the project, please email

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