News & Views

The SCiP Alliance conference is almost upon us and connecting people has never been more important. Will you be joining us on 20th October?

I am particularly looking forward to seeing close colleagues from across the UK and making new connections. Meeting online this year, it will be all the more important to connect people in this increasingly fragmented professional and personal world. 

An annual conference is both an opportunity to celebrate and a foundation for further work, further connections. The conference on 20th October will celebrate the launch of a major package of support materials for schools, the Thriving Lives Toolkit. We will also discuss progress on policy and engagement and share some specific examples from practice.

When it became clear that our conference, planned for May, would not go ahead in Birmingham, we chose to deliver some of our planned content online straight away. The rest, including the launch of the Thriving Lives toolkit, we have saved for this month's larger event. The webinar we held in May turned out to be a very effective way to bring people together to explore the past year's collective endeavour - the Year of the Service Child Voice. 

I am very proud of the progress we have made together in supporting professionals who work with Service children, and I am looking forward to launching the Thriving Lives toolkit, the result of collaborative work with many of our partners. I hope you'll be able to join us in person. Whether you are able to or not, there will be a lively discussion to join on Twitter  #SCiPconf2020

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