
South Hub

The South Hub is led by the University of Portsmouth, with support from Arts University Bournemouth and the Southern Universities Network.

The South hub aims to connect schools and supporters of service children; foster collaboration and good practice that enables service children to thrive, and innovate with activity and approaches to achieve these aims.

Portsmouth Naval Base Dockyards

South Hub newsletter

The South Hub coordinate a half-termly newsletter, sharing information from across the region on:

  • Events for service children and military families
  • CPD or events for staff and supporters of service children
  • Providers, charities and other networks and organisations that can support you in delivering against the Thriving Lives toolkit
  • Opportunities for collaboration or funding

If you work in a school, or for an organisation that can support young service children and their families, and would like to receive the newsletter you can sign up here:

If you have events or opportunities you’d like to share with practitioners across the region, let us know -

If you would like to contact the hub please email -

Thriving Lives webinar series

In October 2023, the South Hub launched a new webinar series aligned to the principles of the Thriving Lives Toolkit.

The webinar series showcased best practice case studies from schools and colleges and highlighted regional providers that work with schools to deliver on the Thriving Lives principles - helping to connect schools, partners and providers.



Sign up link

Thriving Lives: a school-focused approach to supporting service children

12th October 2023, 3.30-5pm

Supporting positive service child transitions

8th November 2023, 3.30-5pm

Placing student voice at the heart of school strategies for service children

23rd January 2024, 3.30-5pm

Tailoring teaching and learning to maximise achievement for service children

14th March 2024, 3.30-5pm

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of service children

8th May 2024, 3.30-5pm

Building strong school-home relationships with service families

20th June 2024, 3.30-5pm

The Hub hosted a Thriving Lives Toolkit Virtual Training Event for Schools on 21st April 2021.

In 2021-22 The South Hub consolidated its structures through a consultation and development process documented in this paper

Our Partners