
The Lincolnshire and East Midlands SCiP Alliance Hub are working in partnership with LiNCHigher and Lincoln College University Centre to deliver a Creative Forces Day on 20th November 2024 for secondary school pupils in Years 10 and above from Armed Forces Families, and would like to invite pupils from your school to attend.

Creative Forces events offer Service Children the opportunity to engage with higher education through a day of activities at a university campus and to explore their identity as Service Children with others from a similar background but different ages and schools. It is also an opportunity to build the capacity of schools to understand and support their Service Children.

This event will also help schools to meet the benchmarks outlined within the SCiP Thriving Lives Toolkit and may contribute to other school development aims such as: Ensuring Armed Forces children are offered additional careers support and exposure to alternative trajectories.

The Creative Forces Day will have four elements; a Creative Arts activity (coaster painting) exploring the identify of Service Children, a Campus Tour led by student ambassadors, a University Taster Session which has been arranged by Lincoln College University Centre which includes: Rocket building provided by HE engineering, HE photography and HE sports coaching, and a Goal Mapping activity for students to consider their future path to success.

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