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Educational phase


39 entries found

Worry Dolls

At Elson Junior School, the children engage in Circle-Time games and participate in a weekly craft activity focused on their well-being. Examples of these activities include making courage badges and creating worry dolls.

Coronation Scarecrows

Elson Junior School is a member of the local Service Pupils Network Cluster. The Family Link Worker attends meetings, in part to keep up to date with Service family opportunities within the community, for example, the Coronation Scarecrows project.

Armed Forces Parade

Elson Junior School celebrates Armed Forces Day with an Armed Forces Parade around the school grounds. All children who belong to a club/organisation with a uniform - such as cadets, cubs and brownies – are allowed to wear their uniform to school.

Remembrance Assembly

Elson Heroes from Elson Junior School lead the annual Remembrance Assembly. Every child in the school makes a poppy and these are displayed in the school entrance/hall. Elson Heroes invite their parents, and the FirstLight veterans, to join them for the assembly.

Reading Resources

Service children at Elson Junior School read books together and with trusted adults, such as The Time Rabbit and The Time Penguin, which help to build understanding and resilience around separation.

Welcome Postcard

The Elson Heroes from Elson Junior School send postcards each summer to children joining from the linked infant school. New children also participate in a transition session with the Elson Heroes Club before starting at the school.

Service Premium Strategy Statement

At Grateley Primary School, termly coffee mornings are held for parents of Service children. The Acting Headteacher uses these gatherings to share updates on the school’s Service Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and to consult parents on current provisions and potential improvements.

Transfer Forms (in and out)

Grateley Primary School has developed an action plan that must be completed upon the admission of a new student and again upon their departure from the school

Display Board

At Mount Street Junior School, the names of all students with a parent working away from home are displayed on a board outside each classroom.

Haven Club Display

At RAF Leeming Primary School, The Haven Club features a world map displaying family photos of those on deployment.

Our Partners

  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • Army Families Federation
  • Army Welfare Service
  • Balliol College, Oxford
  • Bath Spa University
  • Directorate of Children and Young People
  • Hampshire County Council
  • Harper Adams University
  • Heriot Watt University
  • King's College London, Centre for Military Health Research
  • Naval Families Federation
  • HEON Partnership, Uni Connect Programme
  • Higher Horizons+ Uni Connect Programme
  • LiNCHigher, Uni Connect Programme
  • Next Steps South West, Uni Connect Programme
  • North Yorkshire County Council
  • Oxfordshire County Council
  • RAF Families Federation
  • The Royal British Legion
  • Forces Children Scotland
  • Service Children in State Schools
  • Southern Universities Network, Uni Connect Programme
  • SSCE Cymru
  • StudyHigher Uni Connect Programme
  • University of Portsmouth
  • University of Winchester
  • Wiltshire Council
  • York and North Yorkshire (Inspiring Choices) Uni Connect Programme
  • Aspire to HE