
Thriving Lives Toolkit CPD conferences

Aim: To roll out the Thriving Lives Toolkit across the SCiP Alliance Hub Network

Partners: This project was funded by the Ministry of Defence's Education Support Fund, with match funding from Uni Connect, and was delivered by Alliance Hub Leads and members across the UK.

Outcomes: It brought schools together to embed the SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit. Conference resources and materials developed centrally were used by SCiP Alliance Hubs across the country to run virtual CPD conferences introducing schools to the Toolkit's evidence base and structure, and facilitating a range of practice workshops and discussions.

Outputs: Details and recordings of the conferences are available on this site's individual Hub pages.


Schools across the UK accessed not only the toolkit but the networking and support of their local Hub community. 830 delegates registered for the eleven conferences, learning about the Toolkit, sharing practice and joining the beginnings of the SCiP Alliance community of Thriving Lives schools. Learning from the conferences informed further projects to develop, for example, an online interactive Toolkit to complement the Pdf used during the conference round. In addition to supporting completion of the toolkit, the conferences created connections and communities of practice across the network and brought Hub members together around the shared goal and success of hosting an online conference for their school community.

The consistent evaluation both informed local practice and allowed the Hub Leads group to understand impact across the country and lessons learnt. Delegates completing evaluation forms and live polling on mentimeter agreed that the events had met the stated conference outcomes. 100% of delegates rated their event as excellent or good. 99% now feel confident to use the Thriving Lives toolkit, understand more about how to support Service children and know who else can help.

Delegates appreciated the range of information, the networking, the opportunity to hear from other practitioners and from children themselves and the space to reflect on their practice. Those new to the agenda or with a small Service population made connections with other schools and support organisations.

Each conference used the same evaluation. Evaluation feedback across the conference round is available to download here.

Next steps

The conference resources and learning are available on these pages and have been shared through the Hub network. The SCiP Alliance team remains happy to support further conferences using these resources.

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